Did rain stop play?


What a weekend! I thought it was never going to stop raining. I hope everyone survived the atrocious weather and didn't have plans affected too badly. 

Here's the puddle I encountered on my run yesterday. I thought I'd skirt around the edges through the long grass - the water was even deeper there and came over the tops of my trainers! It was even more of a squelchy run after that. 

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  • That is some puddle! 
    I held my sisters baby shower on Sunday at the Park cafe on Sunday and it was an effort to cart over 150 balloons, the cake and other decorations from the car park to the cafe but it certainly didn't stop us having fun. 

    Next time I see you remind me to tell you about the game which involved a cucumber and balloons... 

  • I decided to stay indoors all weekend. Did some work, and plan to have a few days off during the week when the weather is nicer, to do some walking!

    • That's a good plan Simon! 

  • Saturday was write off for us, my daughter and I had plans for a long hack but ended up bringing the horses in to cosy stables and then spending the afternoon baking cookies and fudge. 

    Sunday 1 football march was cancelled but the other went ahead. Mr poor boy was like a drowned rat. 

    • Baking sounds like a much better way to spend a wet afternoon. It can't have been much fun playing in the rain, less travelling if one got cancalled though? 

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