The top 5 books that changed the way I look at business and innovation:

1️⃣ The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
How can this not be on any business reading list?

The Learn-Build-Measure loop shifted my mindset from 'the product has to be perfect' to 'learning is the goal'. It's probably a bit obvious to most people now but that's because it's and absolute classic!

2️⃣ Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
No one achieves anything alone.

This book shifted my mindset from a lone wolf mindset to valuing my network above all else. Essentially Keith teaches us that building a network of people, and focusing on giving value without keeping score, is the number one way to a happy, successful life. I couldn't agree more.

3️⃣ Play Bigger by Christopher Lochhead🏴‍☠️
Don't compete to be better, be different.

Play Bigger helped me see that competing in a given business category just means you are playing catch up to the leader while the happily innovate to stay dominant. It's incredibly hard to knock the category leader off the top spot so don't try. Instead define a problem no one has spotted or articulated, name the category and provide the solution.

4️⃣ 1 Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
Marketing doesn't have to be painful.

In this book Allan breaks down marketing into 9 steps providing a system to create a pragmatic marketing plan. The book title should really be 'how to build a great business and exit well' because it has such depth to it. I've been using the approach along with CX design, Lean and Software Development as a full end to end approach for helping people clarify and build their business ideas.

5️⃣ Where good ideas come from by Steven Johnson
Everyone thinks ideas just magically appear but it's more complicated than that.

Steven outlines the history of how some of the biggest ideas in human history came about. Ranging across Darwin's ideas on evolution to the printing press and a myriad of others it shows there are many ways ideas appear.

Whether it's the Adjacent Possible (what existing stuff can we solve this problem with?), Liquid Networks (where random ideas combine to form new insight), a Slow Hunch (grinding to find a solution), Exaptation (re-use ideas from one domain in another) or some other process, there are ways to help these happy accidents occur.

💡 It was tricky to pick just five for the list and it doesn't even start to cover the personal development books that have helped me over the years.

Reading is a super power!



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  • Look like a great selection of books! Keep meaning to have a look at One Page Marketing Plan.

    I'm just about to start reading AntiManipulation by Keith Blakemore Noble (about the tactics people use to try and get you to buy from them).

    I'll also take this opportunity to add a cheeky plug for my business book group/events - including a Facebook group for sharing book recommendations, and networking events (next one's on 15th March):

    Books & Networking
    Read business or personal development books? Looking for a place to share recommendations, discuss goals and learning from what you read?
    • Thanks for the book recommendation. Another book that springs to mind that's somewhat related is Hooked by Nir Eyal which is all about how app designers build addictive software that keeps you coming back for more.

      I'll join your group!

  • I think I need to up my game in the reading stakes. I've never been a big one for reading business books though. The only time I have to read at the moment is before bed and I just want something light hearted! 

    • I find the secret is to get the kindle app on your phone. It's amazing how often you might find a moment during the day and manage to get 10mins reading done.

      I don't really read much fiction; it's all business, philosophy, health, personal development and technical books. I feel like every book upgrades my thinking. 

  • Atomic Habits was a game changer for me, I am also really looking forward to reading Cows not Cow by Andrew Smith 

    • Atmoic Habits is great, have you read Effortless by Greg McKeown? Another great way to focus on what matters.

      I have just today bought Cows not Cow after spotting it in the discussions.

      Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most On Sale Now! From the New York Times bestselling author of the million-copy bestseller Essen
      • No I haven't, thank you for the reccomendation. I have heard nothing but great things about Cows not Cow.

        • Too kind SJ! Thank-you

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