What are you drinking?

10845942652?profile=RESIZE_710xI mean tea, coffee or something else. It's a bit early in the day to be asking for your bar order! 

Now the weather has turned, what hot drinks are you having?

I'm working from home and trying to resist the urge to put the heating on, so drinking lots of hot cups of tea and, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think I'm bored of tea! I usually only drink coffee when I'm out so looking for suggestions. 


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  • Hot chocolate for me - I like making my own using cocoa powder (and at the moment adding a small amount of xylitol instead of sugar).

    Experimenting with milk alternatives too - oat milk is a current favourite.

    Although prefer cold flavoured milk - the Oatly chocolate oat milk is a particular favourite!

    • I do like a hot chocolate Simon. I make mine with cocoa powder and 3 teaspoons of sugar through - so I wouldn't want to be drinking that all the time!

      I suppose I could use a sweetner, but I'm not a big fan of them. 

  • Have hit the coffee a bit hard this week. Gonna focus on tea today!

    • I think I might end up being the other way around today and have to hit the coffee. We're heading to Glasgow after work so it's going to be a long day! 

  • Tea all day every day! I love a chai latte if I go out to a cafe. 

    • Usually the same for me. I'm pretty much fuelled on tea normally! I do like a nice mocha if I'm out though. 

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