This week I did something pretty darn scary.

I hired a book coach and I am officially writing my first solo book!!

I've been wanting to write something for years now.

It is finally time to put the pen to the paper and get this story out there!!

Eeks, I am equally excited as nervous haha.

Have you ever thought of becoming a published writer?


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  • Hi Susanne, well done!! I have been trying to write a book for several years after so many people told me I should share my stories about living in different countries.  My problem is I keep on changing my mind on where I want to go with the book - do I simply relate the stories or do I share lessons about what I have learned; do I focus on one particular year, or 30 years of experience, and do I make it real or turn it in to fiction? As a result I have several versions on the go, none of which I have looked at in the last few months.

    You are wise to have hired a book coach.  I did couple of writing courses with Oxford ContEd - they have Creative Writing and Self Writing courses which are excellent.  I have kept in touch with several people I met via the courses - initially we planned to share pieces of writing regularly. One of them has done very well, and gone on to set up in business writing peoples life stories for them, but the rest of us seem to have allowed other areas of our lives to distract us.

    Best of luck with your writing. Look forward to reading the book once you publish! 

    • Thank you so much for your reply. I can totally relate to what you are saying and how to narrow things down. Still in the early days for myself as I am figuring this out as we speak but I am sure I will get there in the end. Hope you have a great weekend! Susanne

  • Good for you Susanne - I should probably do the same as I've a couple of books "in progress" but over the past couple of months I haven't spent as much time on them as I should due to other commitments!

    • I'm working on a series of short children's stories with my daughter based on the adventures of an 8 year-old girl called Cat and her little cat, Coco.

      In addition I have started working on a paranormal/recincarntion storyline which is based on goings on at my old cottage and links back to the Great Scottish Witch trials which took place aroun 1600. This one's a good deal trickier lol!

      • Oh wow, that sounds amazing. I would love to read something like that. 

    • Ahh yes, I've been dragging my feet for way too long. Tried to do it without support for 3 years now! Really happy with the progress so far. What are your books about?

  • Good for you!

    I didn't even know there was such a thing as a book coach, so thank you for that piece of knowledge. 

    I'm off to investigate more, although I haven't really a clue what I'd write about specifically. I just like the idea. 

    Would love to see your work once finished. 

    • Great to hear from you, John. Happy to share the resources if that is something that interests you. I will keep you posted for sure.

  • That's amazing! What is your book going to be about? It's something I often think about, but I just need to settle on one idea! 

    • I’m writing a book that helps female entrepreneurs with young families to create outrageous success in life and business so that they can have the impact they desire but without sacrificing their health, relationships or themselves. Obviously, still working on the details as we've just started! 

      I've found it very tricky over the past years to settle on the idea, hence me hiring help because I was just not moving forward haha. What are you thinking about?

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