New to Aberdeen - any tips?


I am  interested to know what advice you might give someone who has come to do business / work in Aberdeen from abroad. 

Here's some questions I have been asked over the years, just to give you some ideas of tips you might give someone, if they asked (or just as friendly guidance to save them embarrasment).

  • Why does noone talk to me in the office - how can I create small talk?
  • What is the greeting etiquette here - "I'm confused: do you kiss someone on cheek, hug, shake hands, or just nod?" (ok this is outwith COVID restrictions!!) 
  • Is it ok to ask colleagues what they earn?
  • Should I give clients gifts?
  • What is the best way to reach out to potential clients? 
  • What is the etiquette regarding paying for drinks when out? (worth noting that our 'rounds' system can seem strange to some people if it isn't explained)

Any other useful advice?

Thanks for your time.. and Have a good weekend :-)

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  • Reality TV is a great opportunity for small chat, the hotel I used to work in everyone would chat about Love Island. (This is chat I missed out on 😂)  I will also second what Jessie said, snacks and treats are a great ice breaker.

    I personally wouldn’t discuss salary and would probably be a bit miffed if someone asked about mine, perhaps that is old fashioned of me.

    • Thanks Siobhan.. I'd be lost with Love Island chat too but agree, TV can be good topic of conversation :-)  Agree with you on salary too but it's a question I've been asked a lot as it seems to be perfectly normal in some countries.  As I always say to people there is no right or wrong just different perspectives - but part of cultural awareness is being aware of what the norm is in a particular business environment so its always a good idea to check what generally accepted norm is before wading in with both feet!! I've found being curious and also sensitive to cultural differences helps a lot in business - and life in general for that matter :-)

  • In response to small talk in the office... bringing in snacks/cakes/treats is a sure way to meet & connect with your collegues! 

    • thanks Jessie, good tip :-)

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