
More Monopoly money is printed in a year, than real money throughout the world.

🚀💰 As a business owner, imagine having the power to print your own money! While that may not be possible in reality, you can still maximise the value of your business by focusing on key drivers that contribute to its success.

Check out the "8 drivers of value" in ValueBuilder, and learn how to boost your business's worth:

Financial Performance: Ensure your business has a track record of steady and growing profits, which is a key indicator of its financial health.
Growth Potential: Demonstrate the potential for future growth by identifying new markets, expanding product offerings, or leveraging innovative technologies.
Recurring Revenue: Aim to build a reliable stream of recurring revenue through subscription models or long-term contracts, increasing your business's stability.
Customer Satisfaction: Happy customers lead to a thriving business. Focus on providing excellent customer service and enhancing overall satisfaction.
Monopoly Control: Establish a competitive advantage that sets your business apart from others, whether through patents, exclusive contracts, or unique expertise.
Valuable Assets: Identify and leverage valuable intangible assets like intellectual property, brand reputation, or a large customer database.
Predictable Cash Flow: Reduce risk by ensuring a steady and predictable cash flow, mitigating uncertainties in the business.
The Owner's Involvement: Build a strong management team and implement processes that allow the business to thrive independently of the owner's direct involvement.

Remember, these drivers of value are not isolated factors; they often work together to create a powerful synergy that propels your business forward. Continuously evaluate and optimise these aspects to increase the value of your company over time.

If you're interested in diving deeper into these drivers of value, check out the ValueBuilder platform. It offers valuable tools and insights to help you unlock the true potential of your business.

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  • I'm going to use this as my Sten group Question of the Fortnight tomorrow!

    • You should have asked this at Qten yesterday. 


      I think if I could print money, I would end poverty and adopt all abandoned dogs!


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