12157797670?profile=RESIZE_710xWhen your sleep has been negatively impacted your more likely to reach for calorically higher foods.

This is because ghrelin (hunger hormone) is increased and leptin (the hormone that lets you know when your full up) decreases.

This is why sleep plays a very important role on your dietary choices. 😴

How is your sleep routine?

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  • Ooh this is so interesting! My routine is usually pretty good as long as I switch everything off early :) 

    • I'm the same my phone goes onto do not disturb from 9pm which helps. 

  • Well I got woken up this morning at 5.20am by some idiot driving across the city on the loudest motorbike ever!

    I'm struggling to keep my eyes open at the moment and have to stay awake until about 11pm tonight to pick my son up. I will try and resist the rubbish food choices but it's going to be a struggle frown

    • Oh that's rubbish Jeanette! I hope you got a nap in! 

      • I had quite a lot of naps over the weekend laughing My youngest's coach didn't get in until 1.30am on Saturday morning - and then the other one was out until 2.30am Sunday morning! 

        • Oh to be young again! Those naps were well desrved! 

    • That definitely calls for an afternoon nap!

  • I know what I am tired I reach for easy food which is normally junk!

    • That's just your bodies way of keeping its energy levels up. Food that can give you fast energy. 

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