Eating out tips

10995504278?profile=RESIZE_400x10995504468?profile=RESIZE_400xThis is the gorgeous meal I had at Namaste Delhi a couple Saturdays ago. (Highly recommend a visit).

Before I go on please know that you should not feel any guilt if you don't follow any of these tips if you are dieting. You are allowed to enjoy a meal out and not feel bad for it. ✌️

However if you have a weight loss goal and are eating out here are a few tips: ⬇️

💚 Know before you go, check the menu out before you go, track what you want (guesstimate this) , work backwards so you know how many calories you have for the rest of the day.

💚 You don’t have to order 3 courses and all the sides (of course you can if you want).

💚 Following on from the above tip restaurant sizes are big, you don’t have to finish everything on your plate (practice mindful eating when eating)

💚 Swap full fat drinks for the diet version

💚 Make simple swaps (fries for veggies, battered for breaded).

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  • Great tips, but it's so hard not to just eat everything at Namaste as it's all so delicious! 

    • Thank you! 

      haha this is very true, the food is fantastic.

  •  Good tips SJ! I really enjoy eating out

  • Always a fantastic meal at Namaste!

    • Agreed! The food is delcious, 

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