More Books & Networking in 2024!

A big thank you to everyone at ABN for your support during the past 12 months!

This past year I've organised four Books & Networking meetings - with excellent book related discussions, networking, and guest speakers!

Three of the four events sold out - the first time I've ever sold out of anything.

I also released my seventh book, full of hints and tips to get more from business books - ideal if you are looking for some holiday reading.

(It's also interesting that these days most people in Aberdeen probably know me for my book group, rather then my software.)


Planning more Books & Networking in 2024 - with the next event in March.

It'll also be the fifth anniversary of the book group - and to celebrate I'm planning an extra one-off writing/self publishing themed meeting in May - where instead of discussing the books we are all reading, we'll discuss the books we have written, writing, or plan to write!

Contact me if you'd like more info on my book group, or more info at:


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