As things are picking up again, it is really easy to find yourself on the never-ending hamster wheel with too much to do and too little time. Can you relate?

If you put yourself on the back burning you will discover later this year that you burned your candle on both ends. Especially as (small) business owners, it is important to make sure your (mental) health doesn't take a nosedive. We all know we are way more productive after a good night sleep feeling great!



So let's avoid that, shall we!

Over the next few weeks, I will be posting some lovely prompts to help the ABN community make sure we keep our (mental) health and well-being in check as we are now moving out of all the restrictions. 

I would love to hear from you in the comments.

What are your plans this weekend, or what can you plan for next week that will allow you to make sure your cup stays full.

I will start!!


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  • As a small business owner, I definitely identify with the not switching off in the evenings and's all too easy to 'just check' my emails and social media on my phone, and before I know it an hour has gone by. 😳 

    I think the only time I truly switch off and that means switching off my notifications so I'm not reminded things are happening in the business, is when I'm on roll on next week! 😎

    • Hi Nicky! Yes, definitely, the lines do let blurry, don't they? I am trying to see if I can turn off all notifications at the moment, especially in the evenings. But I am sure there is an app for that.

  • I learnt over the last 15 months that it is essential to switch off.  Working from home didn't allow me the chance to 'sign off' from the working day, so I would find myself going back to the computer in the evenings, often till late on.  You can only do that for so long without it getting to you and everyone around you.

    I now switch off the computer at 5.30 and leave it off.  I also removed work e-mails from my phone, and make a point of going for a walk before I start in the morning, and at lunch.

    Now the kids are off, we will get more walks and bike rides in, weather permitting.

    • Great to hear from you, Mark. Yes boundaries are crucial!! I am glad to hear you realised this in the past few months. Is there anything you enjoy doing with the kids besides walks and bike rides? 

      • I think on the list of things to do over the summer, we have things like tennis, swimming (if we can session booked anywhere), water fights, family BBQs and the odd session on the playstation.  Sure we will find other things to do too, and shopping trips might rank highly on my eldest's to do list!

        • Oh, that sounds like my idea of a good time! We just got gifted a bbq a few weeks ago, been really enjoying spending time in the garden with the kids and hubby too of course haha. 

  • Great idea Susanne. I sometimes think this sounds ridiculous, when I say, I love to read for pleasure, but rarely do it. The problem I find is that I can't disengage from the real world to connect with the book. So I'll be reading plotline and yet my mind will be whirring away about some bit of work, and I have to re-read the paragraph because I haven't taken it in. The third or fourth time of asking this really becomes annoying and I put the book down. I've made a pledge to myself to change that, and come away from work for a good while before attemtping to read any of the book, and then try and sit down in a relaxed envirnonment to open the pages. Working so far. Nothing better than having a half hour with a book to get away from everything. That, and walks with the kids too in the Summer. A bit of work, a bit of downtime. And repeat. 

    • Sounds like you found a great new way to relax. I notice it too when I am tired I just can't seem to focus on the words, but audiobooks do the trick for me.

  • Really looking forward to your posts!


    This weekend was the first and will be the last for a while I have no plans so I gave myself complete permission to take the foot of the pedal, I baked, walked and even napped. (something I don’t usually do)

    • Oh that is wonderful! And is it worth repeating?

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