All about the balance


I can confirm that Tunnocks Fridays are 100% staying at Centrum!


Too often I hear people label food as “good” or “”bad” which just creates such a negative relationship with food.


I hate to hear that people feel guilty for eating. It's a natural thing. When we give ourselves permission to eat freely, we don't feel the need to be "good" or "bad".

Is this something you are guilty of?


Basically what I’m saying is if you have a wee treat on a Friday (or any day of the week) don’t feel guilty and enjoy it!

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  • I'm not a Tunnocks taker but if there is a cup of tea in play and someone offers me a chocolate digestive to dunk in, its a guaranteed friendship for life! ;) 

    • I will make sure we have plenty of chocolate digestives when you visit Centrum! 

  • Andrew Smith Mr Smith will be a very happy man Siobhan! 

    • haha he is going to turn into a teacake soon! 

  • Thank-you. I've had 4 Teacakes today and I feel good!

    • So next week you aim for 5?

      • No, going for the Irish approach - 8 this week, then 16, 32 and 64. I'm Dublin and Dublin and Dublin (sorry!)

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