Profile Information

Business Sector


Please provide the name of your company/organisation and details of what you/they do

Leaflet Delivery UK, we design print and deliver via Royal Mail high quality promotional leaflets to spread information and offers. 

What would you like to achieve from your ABN Community membership?

To help grow my business and hopefully help other people too.

What makes you/your business/organisation different?

We use Royal Mail for our deliveries but thanks to our shared mailings we are price competitive with similar services who use children, casual workers, or similarly unreliable methods of delivery.

Share some life or business wisdom!

Put your clients' wants and needs before your own and they are likely to return and recommend you.

Website address?

Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook (Business) & Instagram Contact Details?


How did you find out about ABNCommunity? (If recommended by an individual, please list their name)

Bob Bowman
