What do you know about C-me Colour Profiling? It’s actually based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung, and what I like about it is that it focuses on people’s behaviours, rather than on personality.

People can be quite rigid about not being able to change their personality, it's who they are, but they can absolutely adapt their behaviours.

Find out more on my website or get in touch to see how C-me could help your business.



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  • Looks absolutely fascinating Nicky. I'm off to read more. 

  • This sounds so interesting Nicky. What a great job you have! 

    • I absolutely LOVE my job Jessie Crawley as I'm fascinated with people and what makes them tick! Once a client's team have been involved in a C-me workshop, they have a better understanding of themselves and how they impact upon others, but also a better understanding of their colleagues too.

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