What Do You Have To Say For Yourself?!

“Well?! What exactly do you have to say for yourself?!”

How often did you hear that during your school years?

In my experience, more often than not, it meant someone in a black cloak towering above me using their booming voice and height to their advantage, attempting to drum such fear through your system you could almost feel your soul wither from within.


I'll tell you the full story about the worst time that happened to me, and, more importantly I'll help you figure out what you have to say for yourself when it comes to making a podcast for your business.

It's in this week's Win Business Podcasting Tip Sheet, which you can see here.  >>> https://winbizpod.com/what-do-you-have-to-say-for-yourself/ 


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  •  Batman has let himdelf go. 😂 I need to hear this full story! 

    • That one was absolutely my FINAL secondary school story. 

  • Nice one John!

    But why did he put the sock on his left foot? Was he left-footed??

    • Ha ha. I believe he was left-handed, but all anyone remembers about that day was how cold it must've been ;-D

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