What are your thieves of productivity?


The 4 thieves of productivity.

I am a fan of "The One Thing" by Gary Kellor

As professionals, we constantly strive to achieve our goals, enhance our productivity, and reach new heights in our careers. However, he identifies four common thieves that can silently sabotage our efforts if we're not mindful of them. Let's explore these productivity thieves and learn how to steer clear of them.

1️⃣ Inability to Say "No": We often find ourselves taking on more responsibilities than we can handle, fearing that saying "no" might hinder our progress or disappoint others. Before you say yes - I find it helpful to ask what will I not be able to do if I agree to this.

2️⃣ Fear of Chaos: The fear of chaos can hinder our productivity by preventing us from taking risks, exploring new ideas, or stepping outside our comfort zones. Embrace the fact that innovation and growth often require venturing into uncharted territory. Embrace the chaos, learn from it, and adapt. Great achievements often arise from stepping into the unknown.

3️⃣ Poor Health Habits: Our physical and mental well-being directly impacts our productivity. Neglecting self-care, such as lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, or an unhealthy diet, can drain our energy and impair our cognitive abilities.

4️⃣ Environment Doesn't Support Your Goals: The environment we operate in plays a significant role in our productivity. If your surroundings are cluttered, noisy, or lack the necessary resources, it becomes challenging to stay focused and efficient. That particularly holds for hybrid working - you need to create the right environment when you are in the office, at home or on the road.

What other thieves of productivity do you notice?

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  • Some excellent points there Helen! 

  • An interesting read Helen! I find the balance between 1 and 2 somewhat challenging. If you say no to things maybe you'll be missing out on something? 

    3 and 4 I definitely agree with! 

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