Today's the day!!!





In many ways I can't actually believe this day is here!


This is the day I get to help YOU get over their fears about making video for their business. I'll save you time, I'll save you money, I'll show you how and why you have an endless pot of content that will make AWESOME content that you maybe haven't realised is right there at your fingertips.


I'll show you where you need to be posting those videos, how to post them and when to post them.


I finally get to launch the VMC Hub - 21 years of experience distilled into easy to follow and implement advice and training.


Walking you through exactly how to make AWESOME videos for your business with easy to follow tutorials, a step-by-step roadmap and access to LIVE Q&A session for real-time help.


This is EVERYTHING you need to learn how to create engaging videos that will help you build relationships with your clients, build awareness of your business, reach a far larger audience than you dreamed of and connect in more meaningful ways.


Welcome to VMC HUB



#marketing #videoforbusiness #SME #socialmedia

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  • It is looking really good Diana and a lot of great content. Well done.

  • Ace, well done Diana!

  • What a wonderful idea. I know many who find videos quite a scary thing to do. 

    • Thanks Susanne. Yes, I find there are many roots to the fears that prevent people from making videos - it's really interesting, and very rewarding, to help them overcome those barriers

  • Looks fantastic, and easy to use / access the services Diana. Brilliant! I can tell you're very proud and rightly so! 

  •  Excellent idea, look forward to learning more about it, definitley something that resonates with me.

    • Thanks Tim. Happy to have a chat about it if you like - just drop me a line

  • Congratulations Diana! 

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