Santa For Sale?! (How Do We Save Christmas?)

The words ...."digital Christmas...." are still ringing in my ears, as I'm sure they are yours.

To be honest, in our house, I'm still dealing with the fallout of the kids not being able to go guising for Halloween - although the fact they were able to go into school in fancy dress yesterday made up for it a little bit, but the prospect of Christmas being kyboshed doesn't bear thinking about 😩.

I guess I have two questions.

1. What are you doing to pivot your business in the run up to Christmas?

2. Any suggestions for how to make the most of it when it comes? (...The idea of teaching granny how to Zoom 🤦‍♂️)

In answer to the first, as a voiceover artist, I'm getting a bit of joy from this just now. Not just financially, but in the scripts I'm getting to read! If it's of interest to you or your business - I've made it cheaper because everyone's struggling, and stuck it on Fiverr

Hope it makes you smile, and I'd really like to hear your thoughts on those questions.


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  • Funnily enough John, I'm writing an article on precisely this issue the Winter issue of Raring2go! I'll be reading the comments here with interest... am in need of some inspiration on how to make a "digital" Christmas at Home something to look forward to! 

    I'm  thinking of starting with Fairy Lights from the 6 November (after Guy Fawkes Night) and combining it with mince pies and sherry until... summer time starts! 


    That said, suggestions welcome! 


    • Ha! I especially like the mince pies idea! I haven't been in as many shops this year (for obvious reasons), but I do remember last year being astonished at just how early the mince pies were in stock!

  • I'm holding out for us getting the chance to have at least some normaility this Xmas (I was going to say some carrots, not just sticks. But of course the carrots are for Rudolf & Co!)!

    • Please don't forget to liberally sprinkle the reindeer dust so Rudolf and Co can find your home's landing strip! There's so much more to organise in the countdown now isn't there?! Miraculously, we appear to have dodged all of the Elf On The Shelf hysteria in our house to this point. Perhaps our kids were just that bit too old and missed that craziness, but I pity you if said Elf visits your house. I hear there's a chance social disancing may put paid to his appearance this year, (if that helps) ;-)

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