Raring2go!'s Discovery of the Day

Here at Raring2go! at Home we've kept on seeking out the best things to do when you can't go anywhere with "Raring2go!'s Discovery of the Day"

BUT, like you, we're at home juggling kids and work and #lockdownlife!

So we'd like to ask YOU to share your discoveries (PM us!) so we can share them with all the other families in Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire💜

So tell us what today's discovery is.....(if you're needing some 'discovery inspiration' check out our FB page (or Twitter or Insta) https://www.facebook.com/Raring2goAberdeen/



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  •  awww. love this idea! 

    • Thanks Jessie - lots of great things available to see and for younger and older too 😁💜

  • Very old school (which is what I like most!) but I set a keepie uppie challenge last night, with a reward at the end of it. Only requirement is that it's done outside and not inside (and with a footbally, not a toilet roll!)!

    • Looking forward to seeing a record of your keeping uppies with the foitbally !

      • No problem! Would 100 do? Or would that be too long and boring for you to watch?? Ha ha

        • Can you film it on timelapse - into 10seconds?


          • Haha a timelapse great idea Victoria - you can't get out of it now Andrew!  We'll know if its on a loop though!! 

            My rececnt discovery with my little one is also oldschool - pipecleaners and straws. She'll sit for ages threading the pipecleaners into the straws - its brilliant! 

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