Having been meeting with a few interviewees this morning, it got me thinking about asking questions....I think it can sometimes be something people are afraid to do - why? Maybe a past school experience where they have been made fun of for asking something perceived as 'stupid'?

It is SO important that we all ask questions, whether it be to further our knowledge on a subject matter. Or to a prospective client, so as we can understand their business to best help them. And just from from the simple point of view of getting to know people better! Questions are SO important!

Not understanding something or someone does not mean we are ignorant or 'unintelligent' - it means we are interested and want to learn.....

What experience do you all have with asking questions? Good and bad experiences. Maybe 1 question you were nearly not going to ask, actually changed your trajectory and you are so happy you did ask it! Maybe you struggle to ask questions for fear of looking 'stupid'?


#business #questionsworthasking #people

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  • What a great topic, John!
    I'm the same as Jessie! I got better at asking questions over the years, took a while though. I think it was a mixture of not wanting to appear stupid or unknowledgeable, but also general shyness and not wanting to be a nuisance. 

  • As a coach I suppose its easier to ask questions unconsciously. I usually have in my mind and have shared with clients, Who, What, Where, When and How? They are the simplest prefixes to appear inquisitive without being overbearing. Although our kids, grandchildren tend to ask the why question and repeat it until they get an answer, adults can feel challenged by Why as a first question as it can be seen as defensive perhaps. A challenge coming out of lockdown for many will be lack of social company on a daily basis and a reduced impact in social conversation. ABN Networks can hopefully help this.

  • I've got a lot better with this over the years, I think many people are also shy and don't want to speak up half the time. Instead they'll investigate themselves, but it's much easier to ask at the time - then research! 

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