Along with the rest of the telecoms industry, SCG Solutions have been warning everyone about the National Stop Sell that took place on September 5th, 2023. But don't worry if you overlooked this, we're still here to help you sort everything out....
If you're looking for PSTN-based products, you can no longer buy them, and this affects several services like ADSL, alarms, analogue phones, fax machines, franking machines, FTTC, ISDN, lift phones, metering equipment, monitoring equipment, PDQmachines, and telecare services.
If you were unsure then, and still unsure now about what all of this means for your business telecoms - or simply need advice and guidance, give us a call. We're here to help! 👉 0330 175 76 70 or leave your contact details HERE and one of the team will get back to you!

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