11899566077?profile=RESIZE_710xThe first one I’ve ever done solo. (Kind of Bob was with me 🐾).

Why am I telling you this?

Because I always told myself I would never be able to do one on my own.

Sometimes that little voice in your head needs to be proven wrong. 💚✌️

If you are telling yourself little stories like:

“I’ll never be able to do that”

“I’ve always been big that’s how I am”

These become self fulfilling prophesies and will bring about that expected behaviour.

Mindset is everything! ✌️

To shift your mindset around nutrition and diet drop me a message saying coach. 📩


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  • Well done SJ!

    • Thanks! It was lovely day for a munro climb. (Bob managed to find the one muddy bit on the moutain and decided to give himself a mud bath!) 

  • Love this and the message, well done..

    • Thank you Paul! The reason many of us don't make any progress is becuase we tell ourself we cant. 

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