January it's not you. Its me.

12345337060?profile=RESIZE_710x Over the years I have come to realise that January has a bad rep for being miserable.

Poor January, I don’t think it’s their fault but actually our own.

Is it any wonder it’s such a flat month when we set ourselves goals to make us feel rubbish?

We cut out so many things that bring us joy, and use exercise as a way of punishment.

Instead of going into this month with a list of things we can’t do how about going in with a list of things we get to do:

💚 You get to nourish your body while still enjoying some pizza and chocolate

💚 You get move your body in a way that feels good and not to exercise you hate

💚 You get to stay hydrated

💚 You might be cutting out meals/nights out to save money but you can still catch up with friends at cafes or go for walks

You can still achieve your goals without being a total d*ck to yourself and cutting out everything you like doing.

You have all year to achieve your goals and trying to do it all in January is setting yourself up to fail and is just going to make you feel crap. 💚✌️

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  • 100%! A friend of mine sat and ate leftover Christmas cheese on New Years eve then once the bells had struck she got a black bag and tipped everything left into it!

    Apart from the fact it's a total waste, I really feel she's going into the new year in completely the wrong mindset by denying herself so many things (she also gave away all her chocolates to friends and family too). When she finally caves and starts eating all that stuff again she's going to feel like a failure. Your post about incorporating leftovers/christmas food into every day eating makes much more sense. 

    Now, where's that chocolate orange I got lol.

    • I bet she felt rubbish after trying to eat as much cheese as she could. 

      I had a couple of segments of my choc organge last night and enjoyed it, and there is more for me to go back to when I want to. 

  • Excellent January advice. Take the pressure off - we've got all year!

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