If you are puzzled why your staff don't talk to you about mental health but for years have been telling them they should be self-reliant and self-care, then you are answering your own puzzle 10828615265?profile=RESIZE_710x

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  •  So true!   I still have a little of that in me.  Asking for help never used to cross my mind.  Even now I think twice. Not because I don't want to ask, but, for me, it's more about finding someone willing to take the time to listen and actually help or create a safe space to do it in.  Great what you doing for those in the workplace Brett!  

    • Thanks Nichola,Its not always easy.  We encounter a lot of people at breaking point due to workplace stress, anxiety and depression and it can be hard to hear. But there is no doubt the more we tell people its all about resiliance the less likely they are to discolse issues.  However we know workplace environments cause mental health harm and leegally require managment.

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