10860808659?profile=RESIZE_710xSo on Saturday I did some public speaking at the Aberdeen Young Professionals (AYP) ball, while in fancy dress and in heels in front of over 100 people. (All things I’m not the most comfortable with). 🙈

Growth happens outside your comfort zone. ✌️

The point I’m my trying to make. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 🧡

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  • Great work SJ! Very well done

    • Thank you, all for 2 very good causes. 

  • Well done Siobhan! 

    I've been very much working outside my comfort zone for the past month, but I'm loving learning new things :-) 

    • Well done to you too! 

      I had my group coaching written for a whole year before I launched it and was so glad I did. The things that were once uncomfortsable start to become just somethig you do. :) 

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