Hey everyone.  It's been a while...well...a long while!!   I'm back!!  Any of you stuck with phobias or debilitating fears, carry on reading. 

Just knowing that Phobias / Fears may easily be overcome with hypnosis and other alternative approaches is soothing. These types of anxieties are really common.

At some point in our lives, more than 10% of us will experience a simple phobia. It could be anything from open spaces, heights, snakes, spiders, elevators, flying, birds and others. We can develop anxiety or phobias about anything.  The good news is we do not have to live with them forever!

Hypnosis and other alternative approaches provide a highly effective cure for these problems because, simply put, it provides the opposite of anxiety. Instead, it provides deep relaxation.

The stimulus/trigger is detached from the emotional response (fear/panic) providing the brain with a different way of responding to the feared object or situation.

For further information and prices, I offer a free initial consultation. Drop me a message.

Thanks, Nicky. 😊


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  • Thanks for posting Nicky! It's great to know there's help out there if people are struggling with fears or phobias that are limiting what they do in life. 

  • Wasps & bees! One flew into my car once and now I never drive with the windows open! haha 

    • If you want help to change it, message me. We can have a chat.🙂

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