Friday Fun Facts

Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.

Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.

Bananas go through a process called “negative geotropism.” Instead of growing towards the ground, they start growing towards the sun.

The fruit grows against gravity, which gives the banana its familiar curved shape.

Interesting fact that I learned today! What other interesting facts can you share?

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  • Good old Phototaxis!!! :-)

    Women have twice as many pain receptors on their body than men. But a much higher pain tolerance.
    • Thanks for the share Allison. I did not know that woman had double the pain receptors! I once googled if "man-flu" was real and I was guided to an article that stated woman had a higher pain threshold and that was potentially why "man-flu" was an actual thing :)
  • Did not know that Iain - thanks for sharing ;-) Did you know that Chicago is called the windy sitting not because of it's weather but journalists back in the day, used to call the residents 'windbags' or 'full of hot air'
    • Thanks Carmen. I always thought it was because it had really bad wind. I wonder why the journalists chose to call them that. I shall have to do some research. Thank you :)
  • Great fact Iain, learn something new everyday ! Here’s another crazy fun fact , Hippos milk is actually PINK.
  • No way!
    • No way bananas, or no way hippo milk?
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