I’ve noticed that sometimes my clients, or other people I work with, shorten Cognition Coaching to CoCo. Recently it’s got me thinking about another famous Coco: Coco Chanel.

She said lots of inspiring things, like “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” Why waste energy on not achieving our personal goals?

Can you think of a time this has applied to you?


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  • Great quote, and so obvious too really isn't it? 🤔

    • That's true Susan Caldwell but sometimes we can be too close to a situation to see we are wasting our energies on the wrong thing. I think that might be where the saying "can't see the wood for the trees " comes from?! 🤔

      • Absolutely agree Nicky Carnie - so frustrating when you take a breath and then realise the answer was right there in front of you.  I recently read about Buridan's Ass - and I think I've been a right Ass recently 😁

  • Lovely quote, and nice idea on the name. Does this mean your web page will be the CocoChannel.com? ;-)

    • Not sure about changing the web page name John Mellis as it's taken me a long time to get the SEO where it needs to be...and the Chanel family might have something to say about it too?! 🤔🤣

      • Fair point Nicky, but I'm sure as soon as they realise it's you....it'll be fine. ;-)

  • Love this! 

    • I always knew she was a style icon Siobhan Jaffray but once I researched her, discovered she was pretty philosophical too!

  • Good post Nicky. And loving that shortening of your biz name to CoCo!

    • I love and acronym Andrew Smith must be a throw back to my oil & gas days! 😁

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