Climate Change or Emergency or Crisis?

Greta Thunberg spoke eloquently and calmly at COP25 last week. She deliberately avoided any headline grabbing sound bites in order to get her wider point across.

Her speech can be viewed here:

Greta made reference to a number of statistics, all of which could be argued about, but that does not change the overall scientific consensus that climate change is real and is happening now.

In her speech Greta asked 3 questions:

  1. How do you react to these numbers [climate statistics] without feeling at least some level of panic?
  2. How do you respond to the fact that basically nothing is being done about this, without feeling the slightest bit of anger?
  3. How do you communicate this without sounding alarmist?

How would you respond to Greta's questions?

I believe that for most people climate change is too remote, i.e. it hasn't affected them directly, or it's too scary to think about.

How can we make the conversation more real for people - without making it overwhelming?

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  • Interesting questions! A few years ago - or until now maybe - these wouildnt have been posted on here - so that you have and people are engaging is a sure sign of change isnt it?

    I agree with Jessie - if everyone maies small changes they will add up to a bigger effect (when a butterfly somewhere in the world flaps its wings, somewhere else there is a hurricane). 

    My personal key changes are  around recycling, upcycling and reducing material goods ahd clothes, reducing the amount of single use plastic and  offsetting the flying I do for work as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the Congresses I am involved in. 

    We can all include one such small change in our New Year's resolutions and make that small change - starting today.

  • I think Greta is incredible. I've actually gone back to uni this year to finish a degree, I want to achieve this before i'm 30 (big up Open Uni!) I'm studying the climate crisis & environment right now, so people like Greta are my heros! 

    Making the conversation more real.... It's about us all doing SOMETHING not a few people doing EVERYTHING. Power in numbers & power in small changes. This, I find, is the best way to motivate someone who doesn't care/doesn't understand/doesn't know where to start. 

    • Hi Jessie,

      That's really interesting to be studying that with OU.  Have to seen the Centre for Climate Justice at Glasgow Caledonian?

      I agree completely about small changes - it all adds up!

      Welcome to GCU: the University for the Common Good
      Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) is a vibrant, innovative and multi-award winning University for the Common Good.
      • No I hadn't, thanks for sharing! :)

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