Standing in front of a camera can create feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty in the best of us - I get it! If you’re standing there thinking “I hate this, I wish this would be over, I want the ground to swallow me up” then no matter what you do, that anxiety will show through in your expressionđŸ„Ž. 

We need to change that internal narrative and an experienced headshot photographer will be good at directing even the most nervous person through a shoot to a great outcome. Here are 3 expressions - and mental queues to go with them - to help you make the best of your headshot session.


😎 The 'Seriously Confident'
Remain fairly expressionless but project confidence through your eyes. Use the following mental queues to give yourself a different mental narrative which will show through in your expression: “I am confident, I am an expert at what I do, I’ve got this” and so on. Does this sound too simple to work? Try it!



😀 The ‘Nice to Meet You'
If a headshot is a first impression then think about how you’d make a good first impression in real life. Imagine you are meeting a potential business partner or employer and use this mental queue, “nice to meet you, thanks for seeing me today or how do you do!” to help you project the right vibes. 


đŸ„° The 'Smoulder'
One of the most fun to try; confident plus flirty equals smouldering! This one is probably more suited to a casting headshot than a business headshot so smoulder your way to that audition by thinking “how YOU doin’?”. If nothing else, most people crack up after a few seconds which can bring out the most natural smiles. Definitely worth a try to lighten-up your session!


I hope this helps you prepare for your next headshot session. More tips and info at my website, 

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  • Great tips.. will have to go and try in the mirror now. Haha, i'm so awkward when someone else is taking the photo! 

  • Love these Graham!

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