11001003261?profile=RESIZE_710xSo apparently mid-size bodies are back in.. I was reading a couple months ago that heroin chic was in. 🙄🙄🙄

Can we please stop this. Women's body shapes are NOT fashion trends. ❌❌❌

If you want to grow your glutes and have a big peachy butt - do it for you, not a trend.

If you want to get hench - do it for you, not a trend.

If you want to lean down to feel more comfortable in your clothes - do it for you, not a trend.

It's absolutely ok to have an aesthetic body goal, just make sure this is realistic to your body shape and not just because we are told it's how we are supposed to be.

And to whoever comes up with the 🐂💩 body trends. Just stop, it is damaging for so many women and girls out there.

Rant over. ✌️

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  • Good rant SJ!

    • Feel better for it too! 

  • I don't understand how you'd even begin to change your body to fit a fashion trend. It's just the shape it is!

    (Away to Google mid-size bodies in the hope I'm on trend ha ha!) 

    • A lot of the "influencers" use surgery but will deny it and there are a lot of celebs using performance enhancing drugs again they will not admit it.

      haha Mid size will be out and they will think of another ridiculous one soon. 

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