• Feb 25, 2022 from 8:30am to 10:30am
  • Location: Virtual
  • Latest Activity: Feb 8, 2022

Bulgaria borders some of the biggest economies in Europe, overlooks the beautiful black sea and trades almost £2billion worth of goods with the UK.
And now Bulgaria is on a mission to do more do more business with companies in Scotland.
Join us for a special online trade visit from the British Bulgarian Business Association to hear how you could do business with this rising Eastern European powerhouse.
Trade meeting
The trade meeting will include a market brief about Bulgaria along with local businesss opportunities, strong sectors and perspective partnerships in presentations by both organisations, including renewable energy, manufacturing, food & drink and telecommunication, computer & information services sectors.

This will be followed by online networking opportunities.

The Bulgarian Market
Since the 2009 global economic and financial crisis, Bulgaria has made a sustained economic recovery with GDP growth reaching 3.2% in 2018 (World Bank, 2019).
This has created a strong import/export market for beverages, specialised machinery, crude oil, aircraft, cars and business and IT services.
Strategic location
Bulgaria is bordered by large countries such as Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Romania, while its eastern coast borders the Black Sea. 
If your business is looking to export to a larger Eastern European market, Bulgaria may be a good place to base your operations.


Book your place - https://www.agcc.co.uk/event-details/bulgaria-trade-mission-2022-02-25