Your best GOLF Score Card

What is your best 18-hole golf score?  Do you want to take 2 points, 4 points or even 6 points off your score?


One way to do this is by making sure your skeletal framework is fully aligned.  Poor scores can be due to numerous variables but some of the issues I come across are to do with leg length differences which affect the hip balance, lower back issues.  Over time this affects the shoulders, elbows and wrist misalignments.  All these things affect the swing, acceleration, foot and body position leading to poor shots off the tee and green.

Full Body realignment can improve your timing due to feeling better physically, warmups are easier, you are more relaxed and less frustrated reducing the risk of scooping the ball. 

You have more power in the shoulder turn.  What a relief to know how to improve your game.

   Based at Banks O Dee sports Centre on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


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