Turning Green This Christmas

Turning Green This Christmas

At this time of year, we all need to recycle wrapping paper, packaging, and unwanted food waste. How do you ensure an environmentally friendly approach is carried over to a VoIP telecoms project?

Undertaking a company-wide project affecting business-critical systems is a stressful time. Managing large-scale, complex projects is a daunting place to be.

Weighing up capital expense as opposed to ongoing expense. Ensuring that this fits with the company's growth forecast and objectives.

Will it do what you need it to? What do you do if it doesn't? How do you manage the project? How do you manage the outcomes?

And, of increasing importance, how do you ensure the project is environmentally friendly?

One way to influence this towards a positive result when considering telecoms projects is, believe it or not, selecting a good VoIP Provider.

A reputable Provider will allow you to move your hardware from one Provider's system to another.

This means you don't need to buy new hardware when shifting Provider. No need to dispose of any equipment, or risk assess, or PAT test.

You can even keep the old phone that you like, know how to work, and have covered in stickers.

This is possibly a more user friendly approach, and it is certainly more environmentally friendly. You can save on the amount of rubbish being sent to landfill. Help save the planet, and save on your capital expense at the same time.

An added bonus is giving your staff the reassurance that your company operates ethically and responsibly. You can pass on your green credentials to your customers in full knowledge that you are doing your bit for the environment.

Remember, every phone you dispose of will have to be replaced. So it is always going to be a good idea to consider keeping hardware. Of course, like all IT related equipment, it will eventually become outdated. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't maximise the length of time you keep it for. The fast moving cycle of buy, replace, buy again is becoming unfashionable as environmental concerns become prevalent.

To achieve these ends, you have to make the question of hardware adoption a priority on your question list.

If you wish to know if your existing hardware can be re-used just get in touch.

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