The Magic Button

Once upon a time, a few lucky business owners in the North East and beyond discovered a magic button. Knowing that shy kids dinna get sweeties...nothing ventured meant nothing gained, these business owners decided to push the magic button. 


It transported them to a world of opportunities through launching their own business podcasts. Now you can do the same. I've taken over 30 years of broadcasting industry knowledge and created a course specifically for business owners, designed to help you achieve your goals.


With my help every step of the way, you'll learn how to devise, host, record, launch, market and grow a business podcast. One online course to complete in your own time. No deadline. One off, all time price - ONLY £29.99. Or, if you prefer, get started by downloading my free ebook,here

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  • Something that I have seen work very well for people but scares the bejesus out of me!

    • You're right Tim. It does work very well in the longer term when you commit to it as part of your overall marketing mix. As for 'the scare factor' - it happens to everyone. There are three ways around it. 1-You keep going until it becomes second nature, and it does, trust me. 2 - You get someone to show you how and perhaps even make it with you, to ease you in. 3 - You get someone else to do it for you in its entirety. I can help with any. Happy to chat anytime. No worries.

      • You certainly come highly recommended so I would have no hesitation approaching you for help. Would it be advisable to look for opportunities to guest on someones podcast first to get more familiar with the process?

        • Hi Tim - Guesting on other people's podcasts can help build your profile, provided you're a guest on the right podcasts. Producing your own allows you to control the narrative more, directing it entirely how you want it to go instead of shoehorning yourself into someone else's and hoping to get publicity from your appearance. Both serve a purpose, both have a degree of value. I think the main question you have to ask yourself before committing to either is what do you want to get out of the process? What are you looking to achieve? It certainly warrants a chat to find out more if you're up for it. I'll DM you to see if I can help. 

  • John is Mr Podcast! If you have any questions at all about podcasts, especially if it's something you're interested in doing, have a chat with him

    • Thanks Andrew. 

      *Looks up 'Mr Podcast' stationery and business card providers*

  • This looks great John! 

    • Thanks Siobhan. I KNOW you\ve AT LEAST one fab podcast in you!

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